Monday, March 23, 2015

Helping out around the school

Merit evidence: helping out around the school.

On Friday last week, the Kauri team had their 'Run, Bike, Run'. As one of the Leaders, we had to run around calling out how long we've got to go for example: "5 minutes to go, guys!". My voice got tired after a while. Rowan and I (as the deputies) had to open the event for 2015. We were very nervous about talking in front of them because Mr Forman hadn't given us the scripts, so we just had to 'wing it'. It turned out really good. No mistakes. After the year 7/8's had already left to go to their games, Rowan and I saw that the teachers had trouble keeping the students behind the cones around the starting line. We decided to go and help them out. It was quite easy, we basically just asked the students to hop behind the cones and moved some bags that were in the way.

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